It's that time of year again! The Marysburg and Nativity Parish Office is now accepting donations for 2020 Christmas Flower Memorials. Please help us beautify the altar at Christmas time with a memorial to a loved one. Memorials are $15.00 each. The funds will be used to adorn the altar with flowers (all throughout the year). Print a form off of our facebook page or clip it from a future bulletin and drop it in the collection basket with your donation by SUN. DEC. 13TH. Each memorial will be listed in the 2020 Christmas Bulletin. Questions? Email: [email protected] *You may also print and mail your form and donation to the Parish Office directly at:
Marysburg & Nativity Parish Office, 27528 Patrick Street, Madison Lake, MN 56063
A request form can be emailed to you as well, simply request on and Jill will send one to you to fill out and return. Thanks!