A blessed Sunday to all of you! No lengthy article today, just a few words of gratitude.
These last several months have been quite challenging for so many of us. I want to thank all of you for so many things. For the many volunteers who have stepped forward to help with a variety of tasks, thank you! From money counters, to parking lot Mass “traffic control” attendants, to the camera person helping us to live stream the Masses, to our choir/cantors who have helped us to worship God, to our Pastoral and Finance council members who have continued to provide invaluable feedback and advice on certain pressing issues, to our employees who labored under awkward circumstances to ensure that parish life continues to thrive as best as possible, thank you!
Lastly, but by no means least, a huge thank you to all parishioners for your gracious patience, flexibility, and mercy in these past months. The whole parish has been forced to operate, to worship, to serve, etc. under less than ideal circumstances (to put it lightly!). Through it all, you have shown yourselves to be magnanimous (i.e. great souled). Rather than complaining, you’ve chosen to pray. Rather than being caught up in selfishness, you’ve committed many selfless acts towards each other, to family, to the poor, the needy, and, for sure, to me.
I have been reminded, once again, how generous the people of God are who make up our parish. I am so grateful and blessed to be your Pastor. As we continue to navigate together these next months, let’s continue to act as the strong family we are united in Christ. May God bless you all! Pray for me as I pray for you.
With fatherly love,
Fr. James Stiles