The Archdiocesan Synod: Year 3 I just attended the biannual Presbyteral Assembly which is a gathering of all the priests of this Archdiocese with its bishops. It was a time of learning and fraternity. The archbishop made it very clear to us that his pastoral focus for our Archdiocese at this moment is to have all parishes (indeed, as many people as possible) fully participate in the Archdiocesan Synod which is beginning its 3rd year of its 3-year process. By way of reminder, “the goal of the Archdiocesan Synod is to help [our bishop,] Archbishop Hebda, discern, through a consultative process, the pastoral priorities of our local Church today – and into the near future” ( What is unique about this “consultative process” is that you are the ones being asked to provide consultation to our archbishop. So, where have we been in this synod process and where are we are going?
Where have we been?
Year 1-2019-2020: The Archdiocese hosted many prayer and listening sessions throughout the whole diocese.
Year 2-2020-2021: *Covid hit, but the archbishop and his staff offered many virtual opportunities for prayer and learning.
Topics such as praying with scripture, healing and hope, and faith and culture were offered to all people of this diocese. I hope some of you were able to participate in at least one of these virtual opportunities. If not, they are still available to all free of charge at These are great presentations/videos for growing deeper in your faith. Check them out!
Where are we going?
Year 3-2021-2022: We, as Church, are called to engage.
For now, it’s important for you to know that this Fall (Sept. 19th-Nov. 14th), we will be hostingparish small groups to pray through, reflect upon, and discuss three important pastoral topics which are a summary of the abundant consultation the archbishop received during the prayer and listening sessions during year 1 (see above).
Here are the three pastoral topics our small groups will discuss:
Forming parishes that are at the service of evangelization.
Forming missionary disciples who know Jesus’ love and respond to his call.
Forming youth and young adults in and for a Church that is always young.
Who is invited to participate in these small groups? Every parishioner!
How many times will these small groups meet this Fall? Six times over the course of six weeks.
How long will these small group sessions take? 2 hours
Do I have to participate in all six sessions? No, although ideally you would.
We will be providing you with more information as time for the small group discussions approaches. I ask you to prayerfully consider partaking in these parish small groups this Fall. It will be easy, fun, and most of all, important in shaping the pastoral focus of our parish and diocese over the next 5 years.
If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to ask me. God bless you all!