We enter into a challenging time with the confidence that the love of Christ conquers all things. Due to the nature of the situation, however, we must limit our parish’s activities to the bare essentials. Since communication will be limited, we would like to inform you of our present plan to safeguard both the spiritual and bodily health of parishioners. The situation is rapidly changing, so please know that the most up-to-date information will be posted on the parish website.
Mass– The archbishop has made the decision to suspend the public celebration of all Masses for the present time. This decision was made with significant care and consultation. The reality is that public gatherings for Mass not only put attendees’ heath in danger, but also the health of those who they come into contact with and society at large. Please be assured that the graces of the Mass will not end. Masses will still be celebrated daily by Fr. Stiles and Fr. Sandquist for your intentions and for the world. If you happen to hear the church bells ring, know that Mass is about to be offered for you and that you can spiritually unite your own prayers and petitions to it. We will be in solidarity with many Catholics throughout the world who already experience a lack of access to the sacraments due to persecution, war, the absence of priests, etc.
Church Building and Parish Office– For the next two weeks (through April 3
rd), all church buildings and the parish office building will remain closed. The parish office will remain operating. However, staff will primarily be working from home. The main reason for closing the churches is that we are not able to guarantee sufficient staff presence to ensure proper sanitization and building oversight. As things develop, we will be in a better position to make longer term plans.
Confessions– Beginning March 23
rd, “drive-thru” confessions will be available
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 6-7pm at the Church of St. Mary in Le Center and
Saturday, 3-4pm at Nativity in Cleveland in the parish parking lots. Cones will be set up to direct the flow of traffic. A sufficient distance between the confession area and the line will maintain privacy and the recommended distance of six feet will be maintained between the penitent and the priest. In the case of multiple people in the same car, penitents will exit the car individually and stand or be seated an appropriate distance from the priest. Fr. Stiles intends to be consistently present at St. Mary’s on Wednesdays so that Spanish speakers know when they can expect to be able to confess to him.
Anointing of the Sick– The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is not only for the dying, it is for anyone as soon as they begin to be in danger due to illness (even if recovery is likely). If you or a loved one have fallen ill in any serious manner, do not delay in requesting the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Understand, however, that many nursing homes have already barred all visitors (including clergy) from entering nursing homes exceptin end-of-life situations. We will take appropriate measures to protect against the spread of infection when anointing, including the possibility of administering the holy oil with a cotton ball. Call the parish office to set an appointment for anointing.
Last Rites/Emergencies– As priests, we will never deny the Last Rites to anyone out of concern for our own health. Please know, however, that health officials could easily turn away clergy from visiting certain patients in quarantine. For this reason, if you or a loved one falls ill in any serious manner, contact us right away. In an emergency, call Fr. Stiles or Fr. Sandquist; otherwise, call parish office staff (see phone numbers at end of letter).
Baptisms– The archbishop has asked that baptisms be delayed to the extent possible until further notice. Due to the great importance of this sacrament, however, parents should not anticipate this delay to be lengthy. When baptisms are eventually celebrated, it is likely that attendance will be significantly limited. In this case, families will still have the option of doing a larger welcoming ceremony for the baptized at a later time to give the extended family a chance to celebrate.
If an infant begins to be in danger in any way, baptism is never to be delayed.For all baptisms, appropriate safety measures would be taken (for example, the use of fresh, newly blessed water).
Funerals– If possible, funerals are encouraged to be delayed until after public Masses resume. If a funeral is to occur, it will be significantly limited in attendance. A larger memorial Mass at a later time is also an option after a small funeral.
Communion Visits– Out of concern for transmission of the virus to the most vulnerable, Holy Communion will no longer be brought by volunteers to the homebound. All who do not have access to Holy Communion are encouraged to pray the spiritual communion prayer at the end of this letter.
Homilies/Sermons– For your spiritual nourishment, we will continue to regularly post homilies, teachings, and messages on the parish website.
Scams– There are an abundance of scams being reported right now. Remember that Fr. Stiles, Fr. Sandquist, nor any staff will ask for money or gift cards by text or by email.
For Those without Internet Access– For updates, you may call the parish office (number listed below).
Love of Neighbor– In a time like this, let’s not forget about those who aren’t as well connected to others and lack a security net. Consider, for example, supporting the local food shelf which will likely be critical for many out of work.
Reminder– Wash your hands often, maintain a six foot distance between you and others, and cough into your sleeve. The elderly and those with serious underlying health conditions are most at risk. Be prepared that it could be months before the outbreak is over.
Both parish websites will continue to host regular homilies, messages, and teachings from Fr. Stiles and Fr. Sandquist. Go to: stmarysthenry.orgor maryschurches.com. We are also exploring other creative options.
ETWN (Catholic television network)
Midco channel 99 (Limited Cable plan)
DirectTV channel 370
DISH channel 261
Mediacom channel 94
Diocese of St. Cloud Sunday 11 a.m. Mass
KSTC-TV/45 - antenna channel 5.2 or DirectTV channel 45
Unfortunately there is little reception for Catholic radio stations in our area. Relevant Radio (AM 1330) is broadcasted from the Twin Cities and can be heard in some locations.
There are many resources online. The following broadcast daily Mass and other faith nourishing content:
Formed.org – Go to formed.org > Click sign up > Under Find your parish or organization, type in “Churches of St Mary and St Henry”. Type in your name and email. Click sign up.
For updates and additional resources from the archdiocese, go to: archspm.org/covid19
Spiritual Communion Prayer My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most holy Eucharist. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.