You may be wondering how you can still GIVE to the Churches, now that we are not meeting in person for Mass. You are not alone. Many of you have asked how you can make an offering. It is quite easy - You may mail your contributions to the Immaculate Conception and Nativity Parish Office at 27528 Patrick Street, Madison Lake, MN 56063.
Also - COMING SOON - "Vanco Online Giving"! (This will be added to our website HERE in the coming week or so.)
As you know, the work of the Church continues; in fact - intensifies. Nobody can stop the Mass: the perfect Holy Sacrifice for salvation of the world is being offered by your priests. Our office staff is still here for you. We are working from our homes in response to the efforts underway to slow the spread of the coronavirus. In addition, maintenance of the building will continue as necessary to care for our Church campus. Thank you for continuing to GIVE to the Church. May God bless you!